Custom Built AI Assistants for businesses

Instant Customer Engagement ·24/7·
in every channel

Our AI assistant, Kev, understands the importance of ‘speed to lead’ and works 24/7/365 to handle customer interactions and manage your operations. Check out our full list of features below. 

The Sky's The Limit

Test our aI assistant

Our AI Assistant, Kev, can take over busy work and tedious tasks that tend to build up, allowing you more time in and out of your business. With our robust CRM and marketing automation platform as the backbone and playground for the AI Assistant to play within, you’ll be surprised at just how much Kev can handle. 

Test our AI Assistant and engage with it for free right now. Simply text any question you have about Adminify to 385-396-5999. It will respond within 30 seconds. Then feel free to ask multiple questions so you can experience just how intelligent Kev really is. 

We Solve Real Problems

what can we do for you?

Conversational AI Assistant

We train our AI on all the ins, outs, and nuances of your business so it can communicate with leads and customers like an industry pro.

Unified Messaging Dashboard

All of your emails, texts, and social media messages show up in one central dashboard for simplified two-way messaging.

Automated Task Management

Kev, our AI chatbot, along with trigger events and automated workflows, will make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

AI Social Media Management

Use our AI to quickly create scroll-stopping posts, schedule them in advance, and even conversationally engage with new leads in the comments and DM's.

Google Reputation Builder

Easily build your reputation online by automatically gathering more 5-Star reviews. Address 1 - 4 star reviews before they get posted live to Google.

Automated Scheduling

Let Kev handle all of your scheduling. Our AI assistant can book new appointments, handle reschedules, process cancellations, and backfill those empty slots.

we love our clients

what our clients have to say

Jeremy Fenlon, owner of Kibbles & Cuts

Meet Our Clients

trusted nationwide

We love helping service and appointment based businesses like these amazing clients

Want to take adminify for a test drive?

Book a free demo below and see our ai in action